Vossloh AG’s boards
Executive Board
The Executive Board of the Vossloh Group consists of three members. It determines the strategic direction of the company, makes portfolio decisions and takes decisions on matters concerning Group organisation and financing. The Executive Board strives for a sustainable increase in company value.

Oliver Schuster
born 1964, member of Vossloh’s Executive Board since March 2014, Chairman of Vossloh’s Executive Board since October 2019, appointed until 2030, responsible in particular for the corporate departments Strategy and M&A, Media Relations, Legal and Compliance, IT and Digital Business, Innovation and Research & Development, Personnel as well as Internal Auditing

Dr. Thomas Triska
born 1975, Assistant to Vossloh’s CEO/CFO starting from February 2009, Head of Corporate Controlling from July 2011, additionally Head of Corporate Development from November 2014 until March 2017 as well as Head of Corporate Communications from April 2017 until September 2019, Director Finance from November 2019, Member of Vossloh’s Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since November 2020, appointed until October 2028, responsible in particular for the corporate departments Accounting and Taxes, Controlling, Treasury as well as Investor Relations

Jan Furnivall
born 1976, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer starting from April 2015, additionally Head of Corporate Strategy from November 2019, Member of Vossloh’s Executive Board and Chief Operating Officer (COO) since November 2020, appointed until October 2028, responsible in particular for the corporate departments Sales, Technics, EHS/Sustainability as well as Marketing Communications
Vossloh AG’s
Supervisory Board
Vossloh AG’s Supervisory Board has six members. Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grube.
The Supervisory Board oversees and advises the Executive Board’s management and conduct of business. Certain material transactions (specified in the Executive Board rules of procedure) are subject to prior Supervisory Board approval. The Supervisory Board periodically discusses the business trend with the Executive Board, as well as the corporate plan and strategy and their implementation. It approves the annual budget and financial statements of Vossloh AG and the Vossloh Group with due consideration of the statutory auditor’s audit reports. The Supervisory Board is also responsible for the appointment and dismissal of Executive Board members.
Supervisory Board:
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grube2,4, Chairman, Hamburg, Managing Shareholder of Rüdiger Grube International Business Leadership GmbH and former Chairman of the Executive Board of Deutsche Bahn AG
Ulrich M. Harnacke2,3,4, Vice Chairman, Mönchengladbach, Independent Accountant, Tax Advisor and Business Consultant
Dr. Roland Bosch3,4, Königstein/Taunus, Managing Director of WOLFF & MÜLLER Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Bettina Volkens2,4, Königstein/Taunus, self-employed Consultant and Member of various Supervisory Boards
Marcel Knüpfer1,2,3, Zwenkau, Technical Administration Specialist and shift supervisor, Chairman of the General Works Council of Vossloh Rail Services Deutschland GmbH and Member of the Group Works Council
Martin Klaes 1, Werdohl, Industrial Fitter, Chairman of the Works Council of Vossloh Fastening Systems GmbH and Vossloh AG
1) Employee representative
2) Member of the Personnel Committee
3) Member of the Audit Committee
4) Member of the Nomination Committee